
I’m reflecting on the lofty goals I set for myself and wondering if/when I may reach them. Let’s revisit my 2013 goals:

1-Get in the best shape of my life!
Update: Probably not the best goal for this year, seeing as how I had a baby 3 months ago, but I am back to my pre-pregnancy weight. It’s amazing though, you’d think everything would fit again, but it doesn’t. Your body restructures into a new shape once you have a baby, kiss your abs goodbye for a while post c-section too. I did take a personal training course and learned a lot that I will apply soon now that I’m getting more of a schedule now. We’ve switched to ‘clean’ eating in our household too, so NO processed foods. Before the year-end I want to do Insanity again, that’s when I was the most toned, right after the program! I’m learning not to be so hard on myself.

2-Learn to sew new projects, especially for baby:)
Update: I have sewed a few projects: burp cloths, headband, skirts, and a baby robe. I don’t think sewing is my passion, but it’s definitely a good skill to have and teach you little ones.

3-Write an online dating book for Christians
Update: Somewhere between pregnancy, having a newborn, and Ben working and going to school full-time, this project gets a lower priority now. We do still hope to write this book someday, perhaps after Ben is finished with school, we’ll have to discuss.

4-Write a blog
Update: Can’t really check this one off my list yet either, see as how I haven’t written since January:0) I would like to write more and keep track of lessons learned as a Wife, Mom, and Pastor’s Wife. I am encouraged when I read the stories of others and want to serve as an encouragement to readers as well.

5-Become an excellent Mom and preacher’s wife:-)
Update: This goal is totally unmeasurable. I have lots of room for improvement in both of these areas. I’m learning how to be a Mom and simply doing the best I can. I’ve made a few good friends in Hamilton who are moms as well and I’m going to start attending a moms bible study group called MOPS that meets every other Friday. I’ve learned it’s vital to have friends to ‘do life with’ so I’m cultivating some relationships now. Hannah and I go swim once a week and we’ve met some other moms and babies there as well. As far as being an excellent preacher’s wife, I’m learning tons from experience and others who have walked in my shoes. I was recently asked by my doctor if I feel the ‘fishbowl effect’ like everyone is watching our family. I think to some degree, yes, every preacher’s wife has to learn to coupe with the fact your family is held to a higher standard. If I could impart wisdom on other preacher’s wives I’d say the following:

1-PRAY and STUDY scripture both with just you and The Lord and as a family.

2-Don’t take things personally, but also have ‘thick and thin’ skin.

3-Remember my role is a supporting one. I support my husband who is the pastor. If I want to volunteer in the nursery or greet newcomers, that’s one thing, but it’s not expected of me.

4-Make friends outside the church too.

5-Finally, and I’ve learned this lesson the hard way, ‘Limit contact with poisonous people.’ I read this from another blogger. You become like those you spend time with so be cautious.

Since when did married people stop dating???

The more I talk with married folks the more, with great sadness, I hear they do not have regular date nights. One of the best pieces of advice we received when we were engaged was to keep dating after marriage. We have weekly date nights every Wednesday, Ben’s day off, unless he has a church meeting which occurs once a month that night, then we switch the time around. For example, last week we had a candlelight lunch at home. I’m talking the big Yankee candle, use whatever you have to set the romantic mood and just TALK AND LISTEN.

Going out can get pricey so we’ve gotten creative in how we structure our precious time together. During odd weeks we go out and even weeks we stay at home.

We brainstormed a list of potential date night activities during one of our date nights. I will share most of them in case you are having trouble with finding date night ideas:

At Home:
Games: board, card, and video
Make s’mores together
Read Scripture and pray together
Dream together
Financial review once per month
Reading books together
Going through old pictures
Watching home videos
Cuddle in the living room
Holiday decorating
Making meals or baking cookies for someone
Slow dance
Make a playlist on YouTube

Go on walks
Movies theatre
Bicycle riding
Drinking tea
Sight-seeing in Toronto
A random getaway
Bed and breakfast
Visit thrift stores
Visit dollar stores
Visit a library

The important thing is to make time for one another. Share your worries, hopes, and fears together. Invest time to make your marriage fun and meaningful…don’t just make it ‘work.’

Why I Blog

Where to begin…2012 was an incredible journey for our family! Just to recap a few of the highlights…

1-We bought a home
3-I finally landed my “dream” job as an Organizational Development Consultant
4-Ben resigned from his position as youth minister so pursue other opportunities in the ministry field
5-My Mom and I traveled to Lake Tahoe, Yosemite National Park, Napa Valley, and San Francisco
6-We traveled to Greece with my parents
7-God answered our prayers and called us to serve in Chinese Gospel Church in downtown Toronto.
8-Six months after we bought our home, we sold it, for a profit which is unheard of, praise God!
9-Just to top things off, we found out we’re expecting our first child-WHOA!!! “Little M”, our nickname for the expectant baby, is eagerly anticipated to arrive on June 24, 2013:-)

God knows what 2013 will hold, but we look forward to whatever the plans include.

I’ve made a few goals for this coming year and want to carry them out on this blog, which happens to be one of those goals;)

1-Get in the best shape of my life!

2-Learn to sew new projects, especially for baby:)

3-Write an online dating book for Christians 

4-Write a blog

5-Become an excellent Mom and preacher’s wife:-)

Please join me celebrating these ventures of 2013 and Happy New Year!